Choosing your own adventure with P&W Designs

Ever wonder which direction is right for you?

  • Better Everyday Notepad

    The Tip Toer

    Do you find yourself floating through the day with no intention? You start the day the same way you have for yours, go to work, come home, have dinner, and then feel too tired to do anything else? Then the Better Everyday Notepad is a great place for you to start. This notepad is small enough to be inconspicuous on your counter, but effective enough to make some serios change in your daily life. It’s the baby step to creating intention in your everyday: for you, for gratitude, and towards crossing things off your long list of “somedays”

  • Better Everyday Notepad

    the Habit Stacker

    Ready to do one better on creating your daily intentions but aren't a full fledged planner lover or struggle with keeping it a habit? Let's talk the Planner Pad! The Planner Pad incorporates the Better Everyday 5 with the effectiveness of SEEING your schedule right in front of you. Learn how important visualization can be in your week with time blocking and keep track of the to-dos that pop into your head with the todo list on the right hand side each week.

  • The Committed

    Want a planner that gives you the flexibility but incorporates all the things? The soon to be TWO better Everyday Planner options are the next best thing to a custom planner (look out for amazing product updates by Mid-May!). Plan your meals and workouts on the weekly layout and use the to-do lists after each week to track your work to-dos on a daily basis. It's the best of weekly and daily planning combined.

  • The All In

    The All In

    This is the bread and butter of how my business was born. The planner world is NOT built for multi-passionate women. If you are juggling all the things and hate trying to fit your life into a planner.... then let's take the plunge and build a planner around your life! When I started PW Planners I couldn't find a planner to fit my corporate job, my wellness goals and my side hustle so I built it myself. I then learned not only can I make BEAUTIFUL planners, but I can make them but just for you. The planner can grow and learn with you and pivot as you pivot. ✨️ who wouldn't love that?! ✨️ I take a service that graphic designers charge $7-$10k (seriously, I've researched!) for and get you a solution all in for your first planner for under $500. Why? Because I truly believe effective systems can change your life.

Which adventure do you choose?

It all begins with a desire to be better everyday. To create small habits over time that live you present for your life, carving out intentional productivity while still leaving time for you and your family. There’s a solution for whatever stage of life you are in. You just have to choose.