Overwhelmed? Listen to this.

26 \\ Overwhelmed? 8 Tips for Moms Carrying the Mental Load of Motherhood

Let's talk about the beautiful chaos that is motherhood. It's a wild ride, isn't it? We pour our hearts into caring for our little ones and feeling the load of motherhood. The love we have is a force of nature. But you know what? It can get overwhelming. Sometimes, it feels like we're expected to juggle everything just to fit the mold of a "good mom." So today we are talking  8 things you can do when you feel overwhelmed.

Ever feel the comparison game, whether in real life or on social media, can mess with our heads. We see these highlight reels and start doubting ourselves, thinking we're not doing enough.  Guess what, though? That's a myth we need to bust. We don't have to do it all, and we certainly don't have to be perfect. We're already the best moms for our kids. The love, care, and unique bond we share with them is irreplaceable. So, let's ditch the pressure, embrace our imperfections, and remember that we're exactly what our little ones need – imperfectly perfect moms.

1. Motherhood's Ever-Changing Stages:

Navigating motherhood is like riding a roller coaster with constantly shifting stages. It might sound annoying, but acknowledging and embracing this truth consciously can help alleviate some of the pressure that comes with feeling like you should have it all figured out. Trust the process!

2. Mastering Your Todo List:

Feeling like you're spinning with a never-ending to-do list? Prioritize and conquer with intentional productivity. Try a brain dump, focus on your Daily Big 3, and close your eyes after to reset your focus – it's a game-changer.

3. Find Your Zen in Music:

Music is magic, especially when it comes to finding your zen. Whether it's the Calm App, bilateral tunes, soothing piano covers, or curated focus playlists on Spotify – let the tunes be your companion in calming the chaos.

4. Prioritize "Me Time":

In the hustle of mom life, don't forget to schedule your "me time." Advocate for your rest and figure out what brings you calm – whether it's diving into a good book, relaxing baths, peaceful walks, or enjoying some water time in the summer.

5. Move That Body:

With the habit of Movement 30 it engrains this: Commit to daily movement as an act of love for your body. Prioritize not just exercise, but also mobility and flexibility for long-term well-being. Start with 10 minutes if 30 feels overwhelming, and make it a non-negotiable part of your day.

6. Nature's Therapy – Get Outside:

Discover the wonders of consistent outdoor time. From boosted mood and increased energy to stress reduction and improved sleep – nature has the power to rejuvenate your spirit and enhance your overall well-being.

7. Health Check-Up:

Don't mean to be annoying about it, but seriously – get your health levels checked. Hormones play a crucial role in your well-being, impacting everything from serotonin levels to vitamin D, B levels, iron, insulin resistance, and gut health. It's all interconnected!

8. Communicate and Share the Load:

In the world of partnership, communication is key. Partnerships mean sharing the load, so don't hesitate to voice your needs. This isn't the 50s – it's a team effort, and sharing responsibilities matters.

Remember, feeling overwhelmed is normal, and you're not alone in this journey. Give yourself grace and explore these tips to make your days more peacefully productive. If you're looking for more habits and tools, check out the Better Everyday Habits. Let's navigate the overwhelming mom-life together with intentionality and joy.


Finding Clarity in the Chaos: How a Brain Dump List Can Create Intentional Productivity


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